Preparing to build a home server: Preparing to build a home server

What is a server?

A server is simply a computer that is open to the public on the Internet.
Generally, it is used for publishing websites, blogs, etc.

There are two ways to use it, such as self-owned and rental, each of which has advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage of a home server is that there are no usage restrictions, but the disadvantages include the cost of electricity and maintenance.

The advantage of a rental server is that it can be used easily without the hassle of maintenance, but the disadvantages are the rental fee and usage restrictions such as capacity, speed, and programs.

A fixed IP address is often used to publish a server, but in the case of a general home Internet line, a dynamic IP address is used in most cases, and using a fixed IP address will incur a usage fee.

A dynamic IP address does not pose a problem when browsing the Internet from home, but since the IP address changes after a certain amount of time, when the server is made public, there will be problems with connections from the domain.

Here’s how to fix the connectivity issue and publish your server with a dynamic IP address.

router settings.

Please check the router setting method on the manufacturer’s site according to your own environment.

Check the IP address/mask length in your DHCPv4 server settings.


Please check the setting method to determine the IP address of the web server and publish it to the outside.


Check the current global IP address in “Example”. (It will be changed after a certain amount of time.)

(If the IP address is not displayed in the example, check with “IP address detection CGI”.)

Example: ***.***.***.***

IP address detection CGI

Static NAT settings.

  • Make the web server public. IP address:
  • Make the FTP server public. IP address:

DHCPv4 server settings > DHCP fixed IP address settings.

  • MAC address: MAC address of the server (search with the command “ip add” on the terminal)
  • IP address:

Static IP masquerading settings.

  • Set the conversion target protocol, conversion target port, destination IP address, and destination port.
Converted protocol Converted port Destination IP address destination port
TCP/UDP 53 domain 53 domain
TCP/UDP 80 www 80 www
TCP/UDP 443 ssl 443 ssl
TCP 25 smtp 25 smtp
TCP 143 imtp 143 imtp
TCP 465 smtp 465 smtp
TCP 587 smtp 587 smtp
TCP 110 pop3 110 pop3
TCP 993 pop3 993 pop3
TCP/UDP 20 ftpdata 20 ftpdata

server body.

You can use the server even if you reuse the old PC (intel core i series or higher)

Since it operates 24 hours a day, we recommend a server specification one.

Note: Laptops are not designed for long-term use and should not be used as servers. (There is a risk of fire.)

A keyboard, mouse, and HDD are required separately.

It is recommended to install two HDDs, one for main and one for backup.

For DVD boot, a DVD drive and DVD-R are required.

For USB boot, a USB memory is required.

BIOS setting.

Please check how to start the BIOS according to your environment.

For example: It may appear on the screen immediately after booting.

Manufacturer control key
Fujitsu “F2”
NEC “F2”
Lenovo “F1” or “F2”
HP “F10” or “Esc”
Dell “F2” or “F12”
  • Boot Menu settings. (set boot method to DVD or USB)
  • Save and exit.

domain acquisition.

There are paid and free domains.

You can get a domain of your choice with a paid domain, but there are restrictions on the use of free domains.

Get a paid domain.

Register as a user with VALUE DOMAIN and log in.

Print out the password list and use it for password management.


password list

Click Domain Registration.

domain registration

Get the domain of your choice. (Registered by proxy disclosure)
(Enter “Domain” at the top of the page and click “Change” to change the characters in the sentence.)

Note: The domain name should be alphanumeric only, no symbols or info.

Note: Purchaseable amount and Value Domain Points have an expiration date, so be careful not to make extra deposits.

Go back to Control Panel.

Control panel

Scroll down and click Search.


Click WHOIS.
Make sure your personal information is not exposed.


Click Nameservers.

name server

Click DNS/URLs.


Copy and paste the following into your DNS settings.

mx Ten

Click “Dynamic DNS”.

dynamic DNS

Set “Password”.


Enable the dynamic DNS function and click “Change”.

Dynamic DNS function

It takes about 24 to 48 hours to be able to access with the domain name.

Calculating iso file size.

Create installation media using a DVD or USB memory that is larger than the iso file.

ImgBurn (installation DVD creator).

Download install.

Click the download link to download ImgBurn and install it on your Windows machine.

Img Burn

Img Burn

Localizing into Japanese

Scroll down and click “japanese” to download.

Unzip the downloaded and copy japanese.lng to Program Files/ImgBurn/Languages. (If you do not have decompression software, please download and install 7-Zip, Lhaplus, etc.)

7-Zip , Lhaplus


How to create an installation disc.

Right-click the iso file icon and click “Create image disk with ImgBurn”.

Select “Verify” and click the create icon below. (When verification is finished, the DVD-R is automatically ejected, so insert it again to start writing.)

Create an image disk with ImgBurn

Rufus (installation USB memory creation software).

Download install.

Click the download link to download Rufus and install it on your Windows machine.


How to create an installation USB memory.

Connect the USB memory to the PC, select the iso file with “Select” and click “Start”.

Tera Term (Terminal).

Download install.

Download and install Tera Term on your Windows machine to remotely connect to your Linux server from your Windows machine.

Tera Term

How to use Tera Term.

Enter the IP address of the server in “Host (T):”.

Enter the login user name in “User name (N):”, enter the password in “Passphrase (P):”, and click “OK”.

A list of frequently used terminal commands.

command explanation *option
su- login to root
vi File editor
vi File name
Editor command
i Edit
ESC Unedit
: q Quit without
saving: w Save
: wq Save and quit
cds move directory
cd directory path
cd only unmove
cp copy file
cp * original file path new file path
-i interactive mode
-p preserve file attributes
-R copy whole
-v display copied file name
mv It can also be used to move
files and rename files.
mv original file path new file path
rm delete file
rm * file path
-r Delete directory and all files in directory.
mkdir create folder
mkdir * folder path
-p create nested folders at once
chmod change permissions
chmod 0*** filepath
owner group others
reading and writing
read only
all prohibited
systemctl service operation
systemctl * service name
start Service restart
restart Service restart
stop Service stop
reload Service reset
enable Service automatic start setting
disable Service automatic start cancellation
netstat Check port
netstat *
-a Display all sockets
-n Display without conversion to service name
-t Display only TCP information
-u Display only UDP information
reboot server restart
hat Server stop

Gmail registration.

Download and install Google Chrome.

Google Chrome   Gmail

Email address registration for server transmission.

Register an email address to send via Gmail as a countermeasure against OP25B on the email server.

Register an email address for forwarding emails to root.

Since a large amount of mail addressed to root accumulates on the server, register an e-mail address to transfer and manage it externally.

Download and install Thunderbird.

Download and install Thunderbird to register and manage Gmail.


Download and install Thunderbird

How to register your email address.

Launch Thunderbird and click Mail.


Enter your name, email address, and password, then click Continue.


Click Done.


Confirm your email address and click Next.

to the next

Enter your password and click Next.

to the next

Click Allow.


Download and install UltraVNC.

Install the GNOME Desktop as your desktop environment.

Download the UltraVNC installation file to your client PC. (There is a download link at the bottom of the top page of the UltraVNC site.)

UltraVNC  UltraVNC_1_2_40_X64_Setup.exe

Download UltraVNC

Select 32bit, 64bit and click “DOWNLOAD”.

Select 23bit, 64bit and "DOWNLOAD"

Select “I accept the above listed conditions” and click “Download”.

Select "I accept the above listed conditions" and click "Download"

Double-click the downloaded “UltraVNC_***_Setup.exe” icon to install.


Click “Windows Start Menu” and start “UltraVNC Viewer”.

Windows start menu

Enter the IP address of the VNC server you started earlier: Display number and click “Connect”.

VNC server IP address: Enter display number

Enter your VNC password and click Log on.

Enter VNC password

Your desktop will appear.

Windows remote desktop functionality.

From the Windows Start menu, select “Accessories” → “Remote Desktop Connection” to launch the connection screen.

start menu

Enter the server IP address and click “Connect”.

Enter the server IP address and click "Connect"

Enter “usermame” (user name), “password” (password) and click “OK”.

Enter "usermame" (user name) and "password" (password) and click "OK"

Your desktop will appear.

