Common settings - home server, home file server, recommended for beginners of Linux server construction! How to make a home server Linux that can be done by copy and paste.

Common settings - home server, home file server, recommended for beginners of Linux server construction! How to make a home server Linux that can be done by copy and paste. Common setting

Example: DHCP IP address/mask length:
Example: Web server IP address:

Recommended for beginners! How to make a home server Linux Mint20 (Linux) that can be done by copy and paste. It explains so that even beginners can easily create a Linux home server by copying and pasting. Set up web servers, mail servers, VPN servers, WordPress, etc.
You can enter your own setting information and change the value in the text, so you can easily set it.

Common Settings: VPN Server Settings (SoftEther VPN Saver)

Common setting

Common Settings: Domain Settings

s50 IP address acquisition script creation. Create an IP address acquisition script. # 50_1vi /var/www/html/ip_add....